Surf Levels

Beginner Surfer
You've always wanted to learn to surf, or has never been on a surfboard before or you've had a handful(1-10) of lessons in different places but many months or years apart.
If you've had lessons before, you are surfing the white water (broken waves/foamies) at the moment and working on your pop-up, paddle technique, when to take a wave, surfboard control (steering into the left and right direction) and building surf fitness to be able to paddle out to backline.
You are currently surfing a soft top surfboard.
Your Goals:
- Understand the Surf Etiquette
- Pop-up onto your surfboard
- How to catch your first waves
- When to catch waves
- Punching through waves
- Improve pop-up (get faster to your feet)
- Steering techniques
- Eskimo Roll or Duck dive to get through bigger waves
- Paddle more effectively and catch more waves
- Understand swell and surf
- Reading waves
- Ride a wave for more than 2 seconds
- Start approaching backline with confidence when paddling out
Intermediate Surfer
You are paddling out to backline, can read the waves and paddle into open face waves (unbroken waves) on your own. Predict the peeling direction of the wave and which direction to surf into. You can steer up and down your waves and beginning to turn.
You have transitioned from a soft top surfboard to a fibreglass or epoxy surfboard.
Your Goal(s):
- How to read the surf forecasts and plan surf day
- Experiencing with different size surfboards (Trying smaller boards)
- Learn or improve duck dives
- Wave positioning
- Utilise upper body for steering
- Generate better speed on a wave
- Improve wave selection
- Angling into your open face waves (surfboard and body positioning)
- Tighter turns
- Catch more waves (work on paddle technique and fitness level)
- Reserve energy to surf longer
Experienced Surfer
You have been surfing for a couple of years, can surf various different surf spots, take off on steeper waves. You have a great understanding on how to read the surf forecasts and waves.
You can do vertical snaps, throw your fins during turns, tail slides, layback turns.
Your Goal(s):
- Getting barrelled
- Catch more waves
- Work on fitness level and surf longer
- Try more advance surf equipment